Here it is folks, the first ever third-party application for Google Buzz, now available through the iTunes App Store. It's called Buzzie, and for the next few days, you can snag it for 33 percent off as part of a special introductory price.
If you're a fan of Google's newest social networking
tool and can't imagine owning a smartphone other than the iPhone, then this is probably the best news ever. But you don't have to be a Buzz user to check it out. Non-Gmail users who want to see what all the fuss is about can play the part of mobile
voyeur and read through local Buzz conversations without ever logging into the service. Should you decide to log in or sign up, you can then jump into the discussion.
Buzzie is a pretty straightforward app that's so far been well received, according to the user reviews. The app also taps into the iPhone
GPS feature, but also gives you the option of marking your Buzz as private or public depending on whether or not you want your location out there for all to see.
You can snag the app
here, and if you do, be sure to let us know what you think in the comments section below.